
Academy Offers Students Online Public School Option

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Ohio parents can now send their children to public school without having them leave the house. 

The Ohio Connections Academy is a tuition-free, online public school.
The academy has been holding information sessions in the area.
Teresa Shiflet is the parent of an OCA student and says the set-up benefits advanced students as well as students who need a little more attention.
"The program is flexible which is really great and they offer an advanced curriculum but for kids that aren't quite at that level they can fit them in too and it's been great all the way around for us," says Shiflet.
Shiflet says the school is different from home schooling in that there are teachers for every student that keep track of progress.
"The teachers are available to the students so you have basically a one on one learning situation where if a student doesn't understand something they can call the teacher and the teacher will go over it with them until they learn it, until they understand it," said Shiflet.
OCA offers e-learning for students in grades kindergarten through 12th.