
Parties Quibble Over Ohio Economic Recovery In Zanesville Events

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Party lines were sharply drawn Saturday as both Republicans and Democrats took credit for Ohio's economic comeback in Zanesville.

At a Paul Ryan campaign rally at Zanesville High School, Republican Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor made it clear that she and Governor John Kasich are responsible for moving Ohio forward, not President Obama.

"President Obama comes into Ohio and he's taking credit. He says he's responsible for Ohio's turnaround and getting Ohio back on track. Well, I've got a message for the president: no, you're not. Governor Kasich and I have been working hard with all of you here in this room and across the state of Ohio to balance our budget, close the eight billion dollar budget hole, cut taxes, make Ohio job-friendly once again. That's not President Barack Obama,” said Taylor.

An hour later at Putnam Hill Park in Zanesville, Democratic US Sen. Sherrod Brown provided a counter-argument while campaigning to Taylor's assertions against the president.

“Well, it's pretty clear when you see what's happened in the last two and a half years. Once Congress and the president did the auto rescue, once the president and the Department of Commerce and the International Trading Commission started to enforce trade rules, we've seen the unemployment rate consistently come down. There's still far too many people in Athens and Zanesville and Southeast Ohio who aren't working and want jobs, but the unemployment rate has dropped from 10 and a half to seven percent. And that's because of auto rescue and because of a focus on the middle class,” said Brown.

Senator Brown is scheduled to speak about jobs at 1 p.m. Monday in the Bobcat Student Lounge in Baker Center in Athens.