
Special Election Scheduled For Logan Elm School District

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A special election is scheduled for Aug. 5 in an attempt to pass the Logan Elm School District levy, which failed during the May primary due to lack of voter turnout.

According to the Hocking County Board of Elections, school districts and municipalities are permitted to file for February or August special elections, but must foot the bill for the entire election.

The cost of the special election in Hocking County is approximately $5,000.

“The last time we had a ‘special election’ was in 2010, when Logan Elm was on the ballot,” stated Lisa Schwartze, Director of BOE.

“This is a school issue and has no affect or bearing on the Village of Laurelville,” she added. “The village does vote on the levy in addition to all of Perry and Salt Creek townships, and part of Laurel Township.”

Proposed bond issue and tax levy; Logan Elm Local School District, Pickaway and Hocking counties (a majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage).

Shall the Logan Elm Local School District be authorized to do the following:

• Issue bonds for the purpose of constructing school facilities under the Classroom Facilities Assistance Program of the Ohio School Facilities Commission and locally funded initiatives; renovating and improving existing facilities; furnishing and equipping the same; improving the sites thereof; and acquiring land and interests in land, in the principal amount of $38,872,631 to be repaid annually over a maximum period of thirty-seven (37) years, and levy a property tax outside the ten-mill limitation, estimated by the county auditor to average over the bond repayment period six and five tenths (6.5) mills for each one dollar of tax valuation, which amounts to sixty-five cents ($0.65) for each one hundred dollars of tax valuation, to pay the annual debt charges on the bonds, and to pay debt charges on any notes issued in anticipation of those bonds.

• Levy an additional property tax to provide for the acquisition, construction, enlargement, renovation, and financing of permanent improvements for the School District at a rate not exceeding one (1) mill for each one dollar of tax valuation, which amounts to ten cents ($0.10) for each one hundred dollars of tax valuation, for the continuing period of time.