
Hocking College Moving Forward With Construction Projects

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There are several active construction projects in the works at the Hocking College campus, according to a report given last week by Hocking College Vice President of Administrative Services Myriah Davis to the board of trustees.

Davis recapped the eight projects along with asking for the approval of an architect firm for one of the projects — the roof replacement on Light Hall.

The architect firm BDT Architects and Interior Designers of Athens was awarded the contract for approximately $30,000 for architectural services and related fees for the roof replacement. The project will commence this month and is expected to be completed after the first of the year. Construction for the project will go to bid once the design work is completed. The project is expected to cost $331,200.

The fire alarm system upgrades were expected to be voted on by the Board of Trustees at the same meeting, but the contract will likely be presented at the September meeting, according to Davis. That project is estimated to cost $1 million.

The parking lot repairs taking place at multiple Hocking College campus buildings are nearing completion as work is expected to conclude this week.

Other projects will be going to bid in the near future, including renovation work at the Inn at Hocking College and the chiller replacement at Oakley and Light halls.

Advertising for bids will also take place soon for the gym floor replacement in the student center. The project is covered by an insurance claim.

The relocation of the computer programs courses to the Logan Campus is on schedule for the upcoming semester as well.

Approximately $3.5 million in projects to take place in the next year at Hocking College are included in the recent capital bill, according to Hocking College Director of Marketing and Public Relations Laura Alloway.